Addiction Counseling and Therapy


A way (back) to freedom. Separating from the dependance.


45 min


To break the vicious circle of addiction, the pursuit of the use of substances and of the harmful behavior, repeated despite the knowledge and awareness of the negative consequences, on physical and mental health, in the private, intimate, social and professional spheres.
Change the mental habits and behavioral attitudes, break free from excesses, enter a glassy, virtuous and ethical circle, regain freedom and reconnect with oneself, people around - and life.

Specialization in addictology, with a long experience and practice of treating, care and research.

Legal substances: alcohol, tobacco, medicine misuse, and illicit drugs: cannabis (THC), cocaine, psychedelics (LSD, psilocybin, ayahuasca… - integration of the mystical experience), amphetamines and derivatives (ecstasy, MDMA…), new psychoactive substances (NPS)/research chemicals (RC), also known as “designer drugs”, “legal highs”, “party pills”… (3-MMC, 4-MEC, GHB, Tina, Ketamine…), opiates/opoids (heroin, codeine…).

Non-substance addictions, known as behavioral addictions: sexual addiction, chemsex, emotional addiction, cyber addiction, video and online games, gambling, compulsive buying. Eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, binge eating).

Adolescents and adults.
Individual sessions.
In-person and distance online counseling (video conference).
French, English, Slavic languages.