Group Therapy


Start (over) with others. Share experiences. Learn new skills.




Man is a social being, and during our whole lives, we are confronted with group situations.
In the therapeutic context, group dynamics contribute to the improvement of the psychological state. In a secure environment, with the help of the therapist, the exchanges between the participants allow the establishment of appropriate behaviors, new and more profound developments and understandings, original solutions, support and an exchange of experiences.

-Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) programs - 8 sessions;
-Groups focused on addiction (licit or illicit substance and behavioral addiction, including sexual addiction and emotional dependence) and Relapse Prevention;
-Self-Assertiveness and Social Skills Development Groups;
-Mood Disorders Groups;
-Groups focused on High Intellectual Potential (HIP, giftedness, zebra);
-Support Groups.

Upon enrolment.

Children, adolescents and adults.
In-person and distance online counseling (video conference).
French, English, Slavic languages.